Cathedral Church of St Mary (2024 details)

Newcastle's Catholic cathedral, opened in 1844.

Clayton Street West, Newcastle, NE1 5HH

0191 232 6953

63. Cathedral Church of St. Mary

18th May Saturday Only

Open: 6-10.30pm

Journey from the Mediaeval to Modern with a visit to St Mary's Cathedral. Marvel at the needle spire, finely-carved altars, Victorian and contemporary stained glass and amazing neo-Gothic tiled floor.

Enjoy hearing the new organ being played, get with tile painting, listen to the different styles of singing from plainchant to polyphony to modern settings (6.30pm and 8.00pm) or, for breathtaking view of the cathedral, climb the stairs to the organ loft (7.15pm, 8.45pm and 9.15pm).

Last entry 10pm

Cathedral Church of St Mary Clayton Street West, Newcastle, NE1 5HH

Maintained by Harry Bailey