Bessie Surtees House (2023 details)

A fine example of 16th and 17th century Jacobean domestic architecture with an incredibly rich history. The site is managed by English Heritage. English Heritage cares for over 400 historic buildings, monuments and sites - from world-famous prehistoric sites to grand medieval castles, from Roman forts on the edges of the empire to a Cold War bunker. Through these, we bring the story of England to life for over 10 million people each year.

41-44 Sandhill, Newcastle, NE1 3JF
No wheelchair access.

0191 4031635

38. Bessie Surtees House

20th May Saturday OnlyBooking Required

Open: 7-11pm

Celebrating the 250th anniversary (November 2022) of the elopement of Bessie Surtees, he beautiful Jacobean public rooms will host a small display of wedding dresses spanning 100 years.

There's also a rare opportunity to tour some of the private rooms. Tours will take place at 7.15-8pm, 8.15-9pm and 9.15-10pm. Limited numbers available. Pre-book for the tours by email or phone 0191 403 1635.

Limited wheelchair access.

Bessie Surtees House 41-44 Sandhill, Newcastle, NE1 3JF No wheelchair access.

Maintained by Harry Bailey