Bensham Grove Community Centre (2018 details)

Bensham Grove has provided the community with Adult Education opportunities since the 1920s. The Centre is an English Heritage Grade 2-listed building bequeathed by Elizabeth Spence Watson in 919 Elizabeth Spence Watson. In 1948, the former Spence Watson house was handed over to Gateshead Council as a venue for Adult Education.

Sidney Grove, Gateshead, NE8 2XD

0191 433 6450

19. Event at Bensham Grove Community Centre

19th May Saturday Only

Open: 6-11pm

North East Creative Crafts workshops and demonstrations - There will be ‘make and take’ workshops for all across the site including some in glass, ceramics, textiles and sculpture. View a new artist welded ‘angel’ on site in the community centres’ garden;decorate it with little glass angels constructed in a glass workshop and have a go at angel themed ceramics and textile workshops adding to this very special celebration! There will be an offer of guided historical tours. This activity is sponsored by Gateshead Council Culture Team. #Angel20

Bensham Grove Community Centre Sidney Grove, Gateshead, NE8 2XD

Maintained by Harry Bailey