Lawnmowers Theatre Company (2017 details)

A registered charity based in Gateshead that specialises in the provision of arts based services for people with learning difficulties.

Swinburne Street, Gateshead, NE8 1AX

0191 478 9200

24. The Mechanics of Music

20th May Saturday Only

Great artists start in a dusty space,
A basement, a garage or an abandoned place.
Creative people experiment, and play
In weird, wonderful and wacky ways.
Come in, take a seat, see our latest creations.
Kick back, relax and soak up the vibrations.

Performances at 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10pm

Lawnmowers Theatre Company Swinburne Street, Gateshead, NE8 1AX

Maintained by Harry Bailey