Globe Gallery (2016 details)

Bringing contemporary art to as wide an audience as possible.

47 Pilgrim Street, Newcastle, NE1 6QE

0191 597 9278

54. Event at Globe Gallery

14th May Saturday Only

Open: 7-11pm

Globe’s interactive installation The Blossom Tree is back this year, inviting visitors to fashion flowers out of their own private messages, with a brand new theme: “What Comes After?” Approaching the sensitive subject of death with curiosity, levity and optimism, we aim to encourage reflection on the theme of the coinciding exhibition: the third and final installment of Gareth Hudson’s series, Everything was Beautiful and Nothing Hurt. In keeping with the first two pieces, the work is bound to be an audiovisual spectacle of profound existential beauty.

Globe Gallery 47 Pilgrim Street, Newcastle, NE1 6QE

Maintained by Harry Bailey