Northern Print (2015 details)

Northern Print is the centre for excellence in printmaking in the North East of England. The building is equipped with a studio, gallery and education space all dedicated to printmaking. Learning and participation are at the heart of their work..

Stepney Bank, Ouseburn, Newcastle, NE1 2NP

0191 261 7000

7. Northern Print

15th May 16th May Friday and Saturday

Open: 7-11pm

Northern Print will be camping out for a special Late Shows Jamboree. Come and join us under the stars where we’ll have prints to make, see and take away! Chat to our talented studio members, see printmaking demonstrations and ignite your spirit of adventure by trying your hand at creating your own outward bound masterpiece.

Northern Print Stepney Bank, Ouseburn, Newcastle, NE1 2NP

Maintained by Harry Bailey